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UD71 UD73 UD74 UD75 UD50 UD51 UD52 UD53 UD55 UD70
Key Features
- Easy set up of multiple drives
- Transfer of parameters between drives
- Stores 8 full parameters sets
- Minimises commissioning time
Operation: Parameter Set Save
To save the drive parameters to the UD55 the parameter write enable must be held at + 5v by providing a link between terminals 40 and 41, the drive must also be disabled. The link between terminals 40 and 41 must be as short as possible and should not be connected to any additional circuitry. Up to eight parameter sets can be stored in the UD55 in eight separate arrays.
A save is initiated by setting parameter #xx.00 to 300y and pressing reset. The last digit y gives the parameter set to save the drive parameters to. Once the save is complete, parameter #xx.00 will return to zero.
Operation: Parameter Set Load
To load a set of parameters from the UD55 to the drive no external connections are necessary but the drive must be disabled. The parameter load is started by setting parameter #xx.00 to 400y and pressing reset. The last digit y indicates the parameter set to load. The current drive type must match the stored drive type if the parameter is to be loaded.
Operation: Parameter Set Erase
The cloning module memory can be completely erased by setting parameter #xx.00 to 3099 and pressing reset. Once the erase is complete parameter #xx.00 will return to zero.
Operation: Drive Trips
If an error occurs during operation of the UD55 the following drive trips are generated. As operation of the UD55 is always initiated by using the reset button (which also acts to reset a trip condition) the trip is delayed for 1 second. This is to avoid accidental pressing of the reset button clearing the trip condition before it has been noted by the user. During this one second period the upper display should remain at it's previous setting.
Drive Trip Codes   Drive Trip Value
FSH. Err 182
FSH. Dat 183
FSH TyP 184
FSH. ACC 185
FSH.LO 186
FSH.20 187
FSH.rng 188
FSH.Err   The UD55 memory has been found to be corrupt. If the trip has been produced at powerup then the memory of the UD55 is automatically reformatted and all parameter sets are erased.
FSH.Dat The requested parameter set has no data, no drive parameters are updated.
FSH.Typ The requested parameter set drive type differs from the current drive type. No parameters are loaded in the drive.
FSH.ACC Write access to the UD55 memory has not been enabled. No data has been saved to the UD55.
FSH.LO A parameter load to the drive from the UD55 found that data was available for menu 20 but the large application module was not present. Drive parameters up to and including Menu 19 have all been loaded.
FSH.20 A parameter load to the drive from the UD55 found that a large application module is fitted but the UD55 has no data for menu 20. Drive parameters up to and including Menu 19 have all been loaded.
FSH.rng The current or voltage rating of the destination drive differs from that related to the parameter set in the UD55.
Operation: Parameter Set Information
Parameter #11.38 can be used to cycle through the eight stored parameter sets and provide information in parameters #11.39 and #11.40. Parameter #11.39 displays the stored drive type, or if the parameter set is unused FrEE. Parameter #11.40 displays a checksum of the stored parameter set.