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UD71 UD73 UD74 UD75 UD50 UD51 UD52 UD53 UD55 UD70
Key Features
- Full UD70 functionality is retained
- For use where the reference signal and motor feedback signals are both EIA485 quadrature format
- Can also be used with frequency and direction signals
- Simulated encoder output (Quadrature or frequency and direction signals)
- Freeze input available
- Encoder input can be used as a reference input
Pin Number   Name   Function
40 ENCAP A or F EIA485 input
41 ENCAN A\ or F\ EIA485 input
42 OV
43 ENCBP B or D EIA485 input
44 ENCBN B\ or D\ EIA485 input
45 OV  
46 ENCZP Z EIA485 input
47 ENCZN Z\ EIA485 input
48 OV  
49 FENCAP F or A EIA485 output
50 FENCAN F\ or A\ EIA485 output
51 OV  
52 DENCBP D or B EIA485 output
53 DENCN D\ or B\ EIA485 output
54 FRZP Freeze EIA485 input or Z EIA485 output
55 FRZN Freeze\ EIA485 input or Z\ EIA485 output
Encoder Inputs
The A, B and Z inputs may be configured for frequency and direction or quadrature format. The position is latched on the rising edge of Z when the direction is forward and on the falling edge when the direction is reversed. Termination resistors can be selected by a parameter and do not have series capacitors. Input filters and over voltage protection are fitted to all three inputs. The inputs comply EIA485.
Input loads   1 unit load
Termination resistor 120 W+/-5%
Filter time constant differential 350 ns
Filter time constant Common mode 50 ns
max. frequency 210 kHz Quadrature
  420 kHz F and D
User Outputs
The F and D outputs, enable the user to monitor the Frequency and Direction of the encoder/Drive signals. The F and D outputs are derived from either the main encoder inputs or the encoder inputs to this module. The resolution can be reduced by any power of 2 and the format of the output can be either frequency and direction or quadrature. Delay encoder (main or 2nd) input to output 1¥ìs.
User input/output
The signal can be programmed as a freeze input or a Z output by setting the appropriate parameter. If the Z output is chosen the output is a buffered version of the Z input of the main encoder. If used as a freeze input when a positive transition is detected, the position of both the main encoder and the 2nd encoder inputs are stored. There may be a small delay in latching the position but both will be latched together. Output and Input modes comply with EIA485. Termination resistors are parameter selectable and do not have series capacitors.
Delay Z output   0¤ý5 ¥ìs
Delay from freeze input to latching data 2 ¥ìs
Time between latch main encoder and 2nd encoder 250 ns
Termination resistance 120 W+/-5%